Package 'litedown'

Title: A Lightweight Version of R Markdown
Description: Render R Markdown to Markdown (without using 'knitr'), and Markdown to lightweight HTML/LaTeX documents with the 'commonmark' package (instead of 'Pandoc'). Some missing Markdown features in 'commonmark' are also supported, such as raw HTML/LaTeX blocks, LaTeX math, superscripts, subscripts, footnotes, element attributes, and appendices, but not all 'Pandoc' Markdown features are (or will be) supported. With additional JavaScript and CSS, you can also create HTML slides and articles. This package can be viewed as a trimmed-down version of R Markdown and 'knitr'. It does not aim at rich Markdown features or a large variety of output formats (the primary formats are HTML and LaTeX). Book and website projects of multiple input documents are also supported.
Authors: Yihui Xie [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2
Built: 2024-10-15 01:05:21 UTC

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A lightweight version of R Markdown


Markdown is a plain-text format that can be converted to HTML and other formats. This package can render R Markdown to Markdown, and then to an output document format. The main differences between this package and rmarkdown are that it does not use Pandoc or knitr (i.e., fewer dependencies), and it also has fewer Markdown features.


Maintainer: Yihui Xie [email protected] (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

Parse R Markdown or R scripts


Parse input into code chunks, inline code expressions, and text fragments: crack() is for parsing R Markdown, and sieve() is for R scripts.


crack(input, text = NULL)

sieve(input, text = NULL)



A character vector to provide the input file path or text. If not provided, the text argument must be provided instead. The input vector will be treated as a file path if it is a single string, and points to an existing file or has a filename extension. In other cases, the vector will be treated as the text argument input. To avoid ambiguity, if a string should be treated as text input when it happens to be an existing file path or has an extension, wrap it in I(), or simply use the text argument instead.


A character vector as the text input. By default, it is read from the input file if provided.


For R Markdown, a code chunk must start with a fence of the form ⁠```{lang}⁠, where lang is the language name, e.g., r or python. The body of a code chunk can start with chunk options written in "pipe comments", e.g., ⁠#| eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE⁠ (the CSV syntax) or ⁠#| eval: true⁠ (the YAML syntax). An inline code fragment is of the form `{lang} source` embedded in Markdown text.

For R scripts, text blocks are extracted by removing the leading ⁠#'⁠ tokens. All other lines are treated as R code, which can optionally be separated into chunks by consecutive lines of ⁠#|⁠ comments (chunk options are written in these comments). If no ⁠#'⁠ or ⁠#|⁠ tokens are found in the script, the script will be divided into chunks that contain smallest possible complete R expressions.


A list of code chunks and text blocks:

  • Code chunks are of the form list(source, type = "code_chunk", options, comments, ...): source is a character vector of the source code of a code chunk, options is a list of chunk options, and comments is a vector of pipe comments.

  • Text blocks are of the form list(source, type = "text_block", ...). If the text block does not contain any inline code, source will be a character string (lines of text concatenated by line breaks), otherwise it will be a list with members that are either character strings (normal text fragments) or lists of the form list(source, options, ...) (source is the inline code, and options contains its options specified inside `{lang, ...}`).

Both code chunks and text blocks have a list member named lines that stores their starting and ending line numbers in the input.


For simplicity, sieve() does not support inline code expressions. Text after ⁠#'⁠ is treated as pure Markdown.

It is a pure coincidence that the function names crack() and sieve() weakly resemble Carson Sievert's name, but I will consider adding a class name sievert to the returned value of sieve() if Carson becomes the president of the United States someday, which may make the value radioactive and introduce a new programming paradigm named Radioactive Programming (in case Reactive Programming is no longer fun or cool).


# parse R Markdown
res = crack(c("```{r}\n1+1\n```", "Hello, `pi` = `{r} pi` and `e` = `{r} exp(1)`!"))
# evaluate inline code and combine results with text fragments
txt = lapply(res[[2]]$source, function(x) {
    if (is.character(x))
        x else eval(parse(text = x$source))
paste(unlist(txt), collapse = "")

# parse R code
res = sieve(c("#' This is _doc_.", "", "#| eval=TRUE", "# this is code", "1 + 1"))

Language engines


Get or set language engines for evaluating code chunks and inline code.





Named values (for setting) or unnamed values (for getting).


An engine function should have three arguments:

  • x: An element in the crack() list (a code chunk or a text block).

  • inline: It indicates if x is from a code chunk or inline code.

  • ...: Currently unused but recommended for future compatibility (more arguments might be passed to the function).

The function should return a character value.


The usage is similar to reactor(): engines('LANG') returns an engine function for the language LANG, and engines(LANG = function(x, inline = FALSE, ...) {}) sets the engine for a language.


litedown::engines()  # built-in engines

Render Markdown, R Markdown, and R scripts


The function fuse() extracts and runs code from code chunks and inline code expressions in R Markdown, and interweaves the results with the rest of text in the input, which is similar to what knitr::knit() and rmarkdown::render() do. It also works on R scripts in a way similar to knitr::spin(). The function fiss() extracts code from the input, and is similar to knitr::purl().

The function mark() renders Markdown to an output format via the commonmark package.


fuse(input, output = NULL, text = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), quiet = FALSE)

fiss(input, output = ".R", text = NULL)

mark(input, output = NULL, text = NULL, options = NULL, meta = list())



A character vector to provide the input file path or text. If not provided, the text argument must be provided instead. The input vector will be treated as a file path if it is a single string, and points to an existing file or has a filename extension. In other cases, the vector will be treated as the text argument input. To avoid ambiguity, if a string should be treated as text input when it happens to be an existing file path or has an extension, wrap it in I(), or simply use the text argument instead.


An output file path or a filename extension (e.g., .html, .tex, .xml, .man, .markdown, or .txt). In the latter case, the output file path will use the extension on the same base filename as the input file if the input is a file. If output is not character (e.g., NA), the results will be returned as a character vector instead of being written to a file. If output is NULL or an extension, and the input is a file path, the output file path will have the same base name as the input file, with an extension corresponding to the output format. The output format is retrieved from the first value in the output field of the YAML metadata of the input (e.g., litedown::html_format will generate HTML output). The output argument can also take an output format name (possible values are html, latex, xml, man, commonmark, and text). If no output format is detected or provided, the default is HTML.


A character vector as the text input. By default, it is read from the input file if provided.


An environment in which the code is to be evaluated. It can be accessed via fuse_env() inside fuse().


If TRUE, do not show the progress bar. If FALSE, the progress bar will be shown after a number of seconds, which can be set via a global option litedown.progress.delay (the default is 2). THe progress bar output can be set via a global option litedown.progress.output (the default is stderr()).


Options to be passed to the renderer. See markdown_options() for details. This argument can take either a character vector of the form "+option1 option2-option3" (use + or a space to enable an option, and - to disable an option), or a list of the form list(option1 = value1, option2 = value2, ...). A string "+option1" is equivalent to list(option1 = TRUE), and "-option2" means list(option2 = FALSE). Options that do not take logical values must be specified via a list, e.g., list(width = 30).


A named list of metadata. Elements in the metadata will be used to fill out the template by their names and values, e.g., list(title = ...) will replace the ⁠$title$⁠ variable in the template. See the Section “YAML metadata” in the vignette vignette('intro', package = 'litedown') for supported variables.


The output file path if output is written to a file, otherwise a character vector of the rendered output (wrapped in xfun::raw_string() for clearer printing).

See Also

sieve(), for the syntax of R scripts to be passed to fuse().

The spec of GitHub Flavored Markdown:


doc = c("```{r}", "1 + 1", "```", "", "$\\pi$ = `{r} pi`.")
fuse(doc, ".tex")

mark(c("Hello _World_!", "", "Welcome to **litedown**."))
# if input appears to be a file path but should be treated as text, use I()
mark(I("This is *not* a"))
# that's equivalent to
mark(text = "This is *not* a")

# output to a file
(mark("_Hello_, **World**!", output = tempfile()))

# convert to other formats
mark("Hello _World_!", ".tex")
mark("Hello _**`World`**_!", "xml")
mark("Hello _**`World`**_!", "text")

Fuse multiple R Markdown documents to a single output file


This is a helper function to fuse() .Rmd files and convert all their Markdown output to a single output file, which is similar to bookdown::render_book(), but one major differences is that all HTML output is written to one file, instead of one HTML file per chapter.


fuse_book(input = ".", output = NULL, envir = parent.frame())



A directory or a vector of file paths. By default, all .Rmd/.md files under the current working directory are used as the input, except for filenames that start with . or ⁠_⁠ (e.g., ⁠_foo.Rmd⁠), or .md files with the same base names as .Rmd files (e.g., will not be used if bar.Rmd exists). For a directory input, the file search will be recursive if input ends with a slash (i.e., sub-directories will also be searched). If a file named index.Rmd or exists, it will always be treated as the first input file. Input files can also be specified in the config file ⁠_litedown.yml⁠ (in the input field under book).


An output file path or a filename extension (e.g., .html, .tex, .xml, .man, .markdown, or .txt). In the latter case, the output file path will use the extension on the same base filename as the input file if the input is a file. If output is not character (e.g., NA), the results will be returned as a character vector instead of being written to a file. If output is NULL or an extension, and the input is a file path, the output file path will have the same base name as the input file, with an extension corresponding to the output format. The output format is retrieved from the first value in the output field of the YAML metadata of the input (e.g., litedown::html_format will generate HTML output). The output argument can also take an output format name (possible values are html, latex, xml, man, commonmark, and text). If no output format is detected or provided, the default is HTML.


An environment in which the code is to be evaluated. It can be accessed via fuse_env() inside fuse().


If the output format (html_format() or latex_format()) needs to be customized, the settings should be written in the config file ⁠_litedown.yml⁠, e.g.,

        depth: 4
      documentclass: "book"

In addition, you can configure the book via the book field, e.g.,

  new_session: true
  subdir: false
  pattern: "[.]R?md$"
  chapter_before: "Information before a chapter."
  chapter_after: "This chapter was generated from `$input$`."

The option new_session specifies whether to render each input file in the current R session or a separate new R session; chapter_before and chapter_after specify text to be added to the beginning and end of each file, respectively, which accepts some variables (e.g., ⁠$input$⁠ is the current input file path).


An output file path or the output content, depending on the output argument.

The fuse() environment


Get the environment passed to the envir argument of fuse(), i.e., the environment in which code chunks and inline code are evaluated.




When called during fuse(), it returns the envir argument value of fuse(). When called outside fuse(), it returns the global environment.

Fuse R Markdown documents individually under a directory


Run fuse() on R Markdown documents individually to generate a website.


fuse_site(input = ".")



The root directory of the site, or a vector of input file paths.


If a directory contains a config file ⁠_litedown.yml⁠, which has a YAML field site, the directory will be recognized as a site root directory. The YAML field output will be applied to all R Markdown files (an individual R Markdown file can provide its own output field in YAML to override the global config). For example:

  rebuild: "outdated"
  pattern: "[.]R?md$"
      css: ["@default"]
      include_before: "[Home](/) [About](/about.html)"
      include_after: "&copy; 2024 | [Edit]($input$)"

The option rebuild determines whether to rebuild .Rmd files. Possible values are:

  • newfile: Build an input file if it does not have a .html output file.

  • outdated: Rebuild an input file if the modification time of its .html output file is newer than the input.


Output file paths (invisibly).

Output formats in YAML metadata


The primary output formats of litedown are HTML and LaTeX. These output formats can be configured in the output field of the YAML metadata of the Markdown document.


html_format(options = NULL, meta = NULL, template = NULL, keep_md = FALSE)

  options = NULL,
  meta = NULL,
  template = NULL,
  keep_md = FALSE,
  keep_tex = FALSE,
  latex_engine = "xelatex",
  citation_package = "natbib"


meta, options

Arguments to be passed to mark().


A template file path.

keep_md, keep_tex

Whether to keep the intermediate ‘.md’ and ‘.tex’ files generated from ‘.Rmd’.


The LaTeX engine to compile ‘.tex’ to ‘.pdf’.


The LaTeX package for processing citations. Possible values are none, natbib, and biblatex.


The output format functions have two purposes. The main purpose is to make it possible (and easier) to configure the output formats using YAML metadata inside a document, e.g.,

      toc: true
    keep_md: true
    latex_engine: pdflatex

The secondary purpose is for rmarkdown users to render R Markdown via knitr::knit() and mark() (instead of Pandoc), and also use the Knit button in RStudio. Although you can render R Markdown to Markdown via either knitr::knit() or fuse(), please note that the two ways are not 100% compatible with each other. If you choose to use litedown, we recommend that you use fuse() instead. If you want fuse() to work with the Knit button in RStudio, you have to add a special field to YAML:

knit: litedown:::knit

Without this field, RStudio will use knitr to render R Markdown.


An R Markdown output format.

Markdown rendering options


A list of all options to control Markdown rendering. Options that are enabled by default are marked by a + prefix, and those disabled by default are marked by -.




See vignette('intro', package = 'litedown') for the full list of options and their documentation.


A character vector of all available options.


# all available options


# toc example
mkd <- c("# Header 1", "p1", "## Header 2", "p2")

mark(mkd, options = "+number_sections")
mark(mkd, options = "+number_sections+toc")

# hard_wrap example
mark("foo\nbar\n", options = "+hardbreaks")

# latex math example
mkd <- c(
  "`$x$` is inline math $x$!", "", "Display style:", "", "$$x + y$$", "",
a^{2}+b^{2} & = c^{2}\\\\
\\sin^{2}(x)+\\cos^{2}(x) & = 1

mark(mkd, options = "-latex_math")

# table example
First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell

# caption
| a | b |
| A | 9 |

Table: A table _caption_.

# no table
First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell
", options = '-table')

# autolink example
mark("", options = "-autolink")

# strikethrough example
mark("~~awesome~~", options = "-strikethrough")

# superscript and subscript examples
mark("2^10^", options = "-superscript")
mark("H~2~O", options = "-subscript")

# code blocks
mark('```r\n1 + 1;\n```')
mark('```{.r}\n1 + 1;\n```')
mark('```{.r .js}\n1 + 1;\n```')
mark('```{.r .js #foo}\n1 + 1;\n```')
mark('```{.r .js #foo style="background:lime;"}\n1 + 1;\n```')
mark('````\nA _code chunk_:\n\n```{r, echo=TRUE}\n1 + 1;\n```\n````')

# raw blocks
mark('```{=html}\n<p>raw HTML</p>\n```')
mark('```{=latex}\n<p>raw HTML</p>\n```')

# filter out HTML tags
mkd = '<style>a {}</style><script type="text/javascript">console.log("No!");</script>\n[Hello](#)'
# tagfiler doesn't work:
# mark(mkd, options = "tagfilter")

Get and set chunk options


Chunk options are stored in an environment returned by reactor(). Option values can be queried by passing their names to reactor(), and set by passing named values.





Named values (for setting) or unnamed values (for getting).


With no arguments, reactor() returns an environment that stores the options, which can also be used to get or set options. For example, with opts = reactor(), opts$name returns an option value, and opts$name = value sets an option to a value.

With named arguments, reactor() sets options and returns a list of their old values (e.g., reactor(echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8)). The returned list can be passed to reactor() later to restore the options.

With unnamed arguments, reactor() returns option values after received option names as input. If one name is received, its value is returned (e.g., reactor('echo')). If multiple names are received, a named list of values is returned (e.g., reactor(c('echo', 'fig.width'))). A special case is that if only one unnamed argument is received and it takes a list of named values, the list will be used to set options, e.g., reactor(list(echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8)), which is equivalent to reactor(echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8).


# get options
litedown::reactor(c("echo", "fig.width"))

# set options
old = litedown::reactor(echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8)
litedown::reactor(c("echo", "fig.width"))
litedown::reactor(old)  # restore options

# use the environment directly
opts = litedown::reactor()
mget(c("echo", "fig.width"), opts)
ls(opts)  # built-in options

Preview Markdown and R Markdown files


Launch a web page to list and preview files under a directory.


roam(dir = ".", live = TRUE, ...)



A directory path.


Whether to enable live preview. If enabled, the browser page will be automatically updated upon modification of local files used by the page (e.g., the Markdown file or external CSS/JS/image files). If disabled, you can manually refresh the page to fully re-render it.


Other arguments to be passed to xfun::new_app().


Markdown files will be converted to HTML and returned to the web browser directly without writing to HTML files, to keep the directory clean during the preview. Clicking on a filename will bring up an HTML preview. To see its raw content, click on the link on its file size instead.


A URL (invisibly) for the preview.

Get the timing data of code chunks and text blocks in a document


Timing can be enabled via the chunk option time = TRUE (e.g., set reactor(time = TRUE) in the first code chunk). After it is enabled, the execution time for code chunks and text blocks will be recorded. This function can be called to retrieve the timing data later in the document (e.g., in the last code chunk).


timing_data(threshold = 0, sort = TRUE, total = TRUE)



A number (time in seconds) to subset data with. Only rows with time above this threshold are returned.


Whether to sort the data by time in the decreasing order.


Whether to append the total time to the data.


A data frame containing input file paths, line numbers, chunk labels, and time. If no timing data is available, NULL is returned.


By default, the data will be cleared after each call of fuse() and will not be available outside fuse(). To store the data persistently, you can set the time option to a file path. This is necessary if you want to get the timing data for multiple input documents (such as all chapters of a book). Each document needs to point the time option to the same path. When you do not need timing any more, you will need to delete this file by yourself.